Are you wondering how it all works here at New Moon? What does 1a mean? Or 2c? Do I need to know the same things to get into Lyra 1b as I do to get into Aerial 1b? Where do my skills from another studio fit in?
This document is intended to help you understand how we structure things here, what our different course levels mean, and how you progress through our curriculum. This guide can also suggest where your skills from another studio might fit into our structure, but class placement must be determined by a coach with a class placement assessment.
If you are starting your aerial journey here at New Moon, you will start with our ABC series.
ABC (intro) Level
The ABCs (aerial basics classes) will introduce you to some foundational skills that will give you the foothold you need to begin your exploration of aerial arts.
To graduate fully from ABCs, you will need to demonstrate competency in these skills:
Meeting all those skill requirements makes you eligible for Aerial 1a, a mixed apparatus class.
In addition to Aerial 1a, we also offer apparatus-specific level 1a classes that only require the skills needed for that apparatus:
Lyra 1a
Sling 1a
In our curriculum, Level 1 is considered our Beginners’ level. This level is broken into 2 sub-levels: 1a and 1b. In 1a classes, students are learning beginner level skills while they build strength, confidence, and an understanding of basic movement concepts. In level 1b, students are continuing their skill exploration while building endurance and expanding their understanding of aerial concepts, terminology, and technique. Students at this level will begin linking moves together in short sequences.
Aerial 1a
Vertical Skills:
Trapeze Skills:
Lyra 1a
Aerial 1b
Vertical Skills
Trapeze Skills
Lyra 1b
sling 1
Level 2 is considered our intermediary level. Students at this level are experienced in the air and have developed a basic understanding of safe practice and movement concepts. At this level, students are building their understanding of theoretical components of aerial arts while expanding their vocabulary and improving their endurance.
Vertical Level 2 and Lyra Level 2 are divided into 3 sub-levels: Level 2a – Foundations of Intermediate Practice, Level 2b – Continuing Intermediate Skill Development, and Level 2c – Advanced Intermediate Strength and Skill Development
Vertical 2a
Vertical 2b
Vertical 2c
Trapeze 2
Lyra 2a
lyra 2b
lyra 2c
Level 3 is our Advanced level and the highest level in our course progression. There is no promotion beyond level 3, but highly advanced students may seek private coaching to work towards specific, or individualized goals outside of the group class progression.
Straps, handstands, and flexibility each have their own structure and progression. These disciplines use qualifiers such as Beginning, Continuing, Intermediate, and Advanced rather than numerical level distinctions.
Straps is a highly technical strength-based discipline. To be admitted into Beginning Straps students must meet one-on-one with a straps coach to assess their physical readiness and to get an introduction to the concepts addressed in class.
To progress from Beginning Straps to Continuing Straps, students must demonstrate an understanding of shoulder positioning and body mechanics during fundamental skills. Additionally, students must be able to execute the following skills:
There is currently no group straps class beyond Continuing Straps. More advanced students may seek private coaching.
Our handstand classes build towards balancing unsupported on your hands while exploring shapes and weight shifts. To be admitted to Beginning Handstands, students must already be able to kick up to handstand against a wall. Students who are not yet ready for Beginning Handstands can work privately with our handstand coach to gain the necessary strength and stability.
To progress from Beginning Handstands to Intermediate Handstands students must be able to hold a handstand unsupported with good form and come out of it safely and with ease. Students should also be familiar with the 3 basic handstand shapes: straight, tuck, and straddle.