Date: October 26, 2024  •  7:00 pm

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Spookee Soiree


The Spookie Soiree… it’s a party with performances. Costumes encouraged!

ONLY $10 and BYOB!

Circus performances by:

  • Peter Amelia
  • Amy Funbuttons
  • Kim Z
  • Liz Young
  • Lauren Kehl
  • Skyler Leget
  • Sophie Sandweiss
  • Brittany Drew
  • Aiyana Blas-Rojas

Most of the seating available for soirees is on mats. We encourage the audience to mingle and move around between (and during) performances.

Our main performance space is up a fairly narrow flight of stairs. Please contact us before purchasing event tickets if you have concerns about your ability to access the space. There are a limited number of assessable chair seating available for those people who are unable to stand or sit on mats.